Tag CMAK olympiad

Combat Mission Olympiad: Turn 5

The block of Union Jack wavers to the left of my commentary box lets out three mighty groans during the course of Turn 5. The first occurs at T+32 when the British Crusader sends a 57mm AP round sailing over…

Combat Mission Olympiad: Turn 4

I’m not saying the first three minutes of this CMAK contest were uneventful, but when the TV camera panned across the grandstands at the end of Turn 3, I noticed several people scrutinising phones or reading newspapers, and at least…

Combat Mission Olympiad: Turn 2

While it’s theoretically possible that the distant dust clouds spotted by both teams during Turn 2 have been raised by restless breezes, stampeding camels, or whirling dervishes, by far the most likely culprits are Afrika Korps AFVs on the move.

Combat Mission Olympiad: Turn 1

Apart from the green ‘GO!’ flare fired into the sky by a match official at the very start of this turn, the Olympiad’s first minute of action is fireworks free. Both teams race their infantry and their mortar-team taxis towards…

The 2024 Combat Mission Olympiad

Due to budget cuts, the 2024 CM Olympiad will consist of just one event – team play-by-comment Combat Mission: Afrika Korps – and involve just two teams – 2020 finalists France and Great Britain. Over the next fourteen weeks, said…