Category Sims

Beach house boss battle

I think I’m finally ready. Well, as ready as I’ll ever be. Today I’m going to take on Curly, Virtual Pool 4’s numero uno, for the very first time. Defeat in the first-to-five-frames contest will cost me a cool ten…

Review Reprise: OMSI

I’ve written hundreds of reviews and previews during my twenty-odd years as a games inspector. As many of these appeared in the British version of PC Gamer magazine and nowhere else, and involve titles largely forgotten today, now and again…

Full Ace is properly ace

One of the advantages of spending my formative years in close proximity to two English manor houses (my Dad was a gardener) was my siblings, pals, and I were never far from a tennis court. When these courts weren’t in…

Sunday Sounds #1: The Race Sim Central podcast

Although THC will never cast pods, it isn’t averse to granting high quality ones access to its external acoustic meatus. Race Sim Central’s aural suppositories contain the words of three extremely knowledgeable individuals. If you’ve ever used your PC for…


A is for Abbreviated A2Z. My mammoth monthly news round-ups are on hold, but truncated digests like this may appear from time to time.

Review Reprise: Apache Air Assault

I’ve written hundreds of reviews and previews during my twenty-odd years as a games inspector. As many of these appeared in the British version of PC Gamer magazine and nowhere else, and involve titles largely forgotten today, now and again…

Nuclear Option has a NovaLogic feel

As Prigozhin seems to have cancelled his insurrection, I think I can drag myself away from Twitter and the TV for long enough to type a few lines on Nuclear Option, a ‘coming soon’ combat flight sim with some seriously…

Combat Pilot – a promising speck on the horizon

I’d argue the natural skull slot for ‘Combat Pilot excitement’ is one adjacent to ‘Task Force Admiral excitement’. Whereas Drydock Dreams are intent on creating the most realistic/ravishing WW2 Pacific carrier ops wargame ever made, Entropy.Aero, a subsidiary of Barbedwire…